Paul Lovell new HCED Exec Dir

The Howard County Energy District (HCED) is pleased to announce the hiring of Paul Lovell as its new Executive Director. “We’re delighted that Paul has joined us,” said Amy Bouska, HCED Board Chair. “His local knowledge and varied work experiences will be a huge asset to us and residents of Howard County.” Paul has lived in Howard County for nearly three decades and brings a wide range of work experience with him. His past roles as science teacher, county naturalist, farmer, health care professional, and small business owner will help him effectively promote and inform the public on methods and technologies that can help save money and improve energy efficiency.
“I’m eager to begin this new role and look forward to helping residents and businesses save money through improved energy efficiency and alternative energy production,” Lovell stated.
The HCED is a non-profit organization that was formed in 2017. The goal of the HCED is to work at the local level to help homes, farms, businesses, and institutions save money by investing in energy efficiency and clean energy such as solar and geothermal. By promoting energy sustainability, the local community can spend less on utility bills and keep more money local. “We are excited to bring Paul on board to help us achieve our mission of increased use of renewable energy and improved energy efficiency,” said Wolfe, HCED Board Secretary.
The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 will heavily invest in domestic energy production and energy efficiency while promoting clean energy. Investment will come in the form of tax credits and rebates. Individuals, businesses, and institutions will have the opportunity to qualify for a significant amount of assistance. The HCED is excited about the potential for Howard County residents to save substantial money with energy efficiency improvements and alternative energy. Income tax credits are available now (2023) and are administered by the U.S. Treasury. Rebates will be administered by the State of Iowa, and once details and information are available, will begin sometime late in 2023 or early 2024. “There are so many great opportunities available right now,” according to Lovell. “As Executive Director, I hope to continue connecting people and programs.”
The current HCED Board of Directors includes Chair Bouska, Secretary Wolfe, Treasurer Stan Fosaaen, Dave Daley, Jim Perry, Linn Hvitved, and Pam Spindler. If you would like more information or assistance, please contact the HCED at P.O. Box 515, Cresco, IA 52136. Check out our website at or email us: